01 April 2007

Because I Had to Look It Up for My Students

May I present to you My Absolute Favourite Poem Ever (So Far):


I came back from the funeral and crawled
around the apartment, crying hard,
searching for my wife's hair.
For two months got them from the drain,
from the vacuum cleaner, under the refrigerator,
and off the clothes in the closet.
But after other Japanese women came,
there was no way to be sure which were
hers, and I stopped. A year later,
repotting Michiko's avocado, I find
a long black hair tangled in the dirt.

(Jack Gilbert, The Great Fires, Knopf 1996)

1 comment:

RJGibson said...

Glad you found the poem. It is one of my favorites as well. Hope your students enjoy it.