The gathered end will one day be the catt's butt (is that anything like the bee's knees, I wonder?) and somehow, the pattern assures me, once I add arms, legs, tail, and stuffing, I will be able to fashion the flat end and baste it in such a way that it will grow ears. I'll let you know how it all turns out, but so far I'm skeptical.
Especially since earlier this evening I was sitting in my therapist's waiting room--my very Christian therapist, mind you--and I took this off its needles and sewed the seam up the back. At which point I held it up to inspect my handiwork and immediately blurted out loud, "Oh! A penis cozy!"
I suspect I'll be visiting this therapist for quite a bit longer now.
1 comment:
OH dear... i began choking on my subway sandwhich, laughing hyterically at the penis cozy remark.
please do post a picture when/if it becomes a cat.
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